Online Men's Circles

Gather, Learn, Share, Support....

“Piers creates magic..” Pete McCready, Teacher, Switzerland

"Give yourself the gift of attending Piers’ workshops! I know of few others that can connect the archetypes to ME and MY LIFE so comprehensively. His illustrations are simply magic!" Jay Jacoby, Founder of Menfest

"Piers has really helped trigger some serious growth through the men’s circle. Would recommend highly to any and every man!" Chris Morgan, DJ & Producer

“I ask all men who are interested in change to work with Piers, knowing you are in the best hands. Be ready for miracles because they will occur.” Christian Zikes, Men's High Performance Coach

Online Men's Group 

The online men's circles are a space for men to share their feelings, their stories and to learn teachings about what it means to be a man in today's world with the support of other brothers.

We meet every month and this men's group has now been running for three years and has had approximately 50 men attend during this time.

If you are a man who is wanting to get support and has been feeling alone during these challenging times then this space is:

  • Supportive
  • Confidential
  • Inspiring
  • Healing

​The main purpose of these men's circles is to offer a space for men to share and to hear other men speak. This has been a key part of the healing aspect of these events.

Over the past three years we have often explored what it is to be a man based around the mature masculine archetypes of the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.  More recently we have been focusing solely on boarding school for those who attended.

Each month we look at different topics around this area of depth psychology to help us grow and evolve as men.

  • What does being a King mean?
  • What does it mean to have vision and how can I start to become more embodied with the King archetype?
  • How do I reconnect with my Lover archetype and feel more spontaneous, in my heart and reconnect to others?
  • How I get my balls back and step into my benevolent power by reconnecting to the Warrior archetype?
  • And how do I transform myself and others by entering the magical realm of the Magician?
  • For all circles we will be exploring boarding school and what the experience if you were a boarding school survivor was like.

Listening to other men share their stories and having the space to share your own struggles and triumphs and be witnessed can be transformational for many men.

You can either drop in on a one off basis or come every week.


The 3rd Thursday of the month: Thursday evening 7-9pm UK time (please see dates and topics below).


  • For the boarding school circle -  I ask that you have either been to boarding school or have been impacted by boarding school in some way (day boy or your parent was an ex-boarder)


The price for the evening is pay from the heart £10-15. You can pay up front or pay after the session.


6.55pm:  Call opens

7pm:        Check in
7.10pm:   Opening circle and arriving

7.20pm:  Check in circles and breakout rooms if numbers require

8.40pm:  Closing circle and reflecting on what our gold has been from the evening

9pm:       Close the circle.

Dates and Topics:

20th June 2024: Online Men's Circle - Boarding School Syndrome Sharing Circle - Emotional Neglect and Emotoinal Abuse

And then every third Thursday of the month. Please sign up below.

Email list

In order to receive notifications of the evenings please enter your email in below. I send one email on the Monday before the event.

"The men's circle yesterday evening was a great example of the power of men sharing together and witnessing each other's stories. Piers created a safe, confidential and well-structured session that mixed time together as a whole group with smaller breakouts, meditation and reflection. We discovered a lot in common, while still allowing for and holding our differences. A very satisfying experience which I recommend to men who want to grow in depth and leadership."

Steve Lichfield, Former Strategy Manager, Willow's Counseling Service

"Piers' sessions have helped me reach out and improve my life. I have found companionship and guidance. They are something special and value for money."

C. Brockman, Bristol

"Nurturing environment....supportive and not stuffy"

Al Libby, Bath

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